Saturday 16 April 2011

Market Analysis Summary

Market Analysis
Installation services and supply air conditioner will be centered in Manjung and surrounding areas. This area has a number of advantages in terms of providing for the business market. The focus is on the homes of many homes around the Manjung. In addition, there are also industrial areas around it, so are the business premises. Household income also is in the best circumstances, this is an opportunity for our company to provide service to customers. Can be broadly divided, residential houses, 60%, industrial area, 15%, and the business premises of 25%. Windows Engineering Sdn. Bhd is confident to meet customer demand.

Market Segmentation
Windows Engineering Sdn. Bhd segments its customers by terms of the types of homes, business premises and industries. We believe this type of accommodation is a factor in the use of air conditioning in every home, and it also helps us to make our marketing services.

1.      Luxury Residential: From what can be seen, there are many luxury homes in the area Manjung, especially Venice of Perak Park. The owners are definitely people who can afford it, so these people became our goal to provide the installation of central air conditioning to them. They are also concerned about the comfort and also emphasize conservation; in addition this home has a pool, so easy in our air-conditioning system installation. 

2.      Medium Cost Residential: In addition, there are also plenty of modest homes was found in about Manjung, the owners of such homes is a big contributor in the use of air conditioning system, although simple, they are also concerned about comfort. It can be seen; they could have, and also emphasizes conservation.

3.    House Terrace or Garden: Terraced houses are that there are many houses in the vicinity of this Manjung. They are also the main target for us, even though their work is simple, with the air conditioning system we are reasonable, they can afford to own.  

4.      Apartment: Manjung around, not much can be seen apartments and flats, though, we are targeting customers of this group. It is difficult when dealing in the installation of the situation in homes like this, but we still want to provide services to them. 

5.   Industrial Sector: Around Manjung, there are many industrial areas, industrial areas, especially Manjung Lumut Port and surrounding marine-based industries. So we are also targeting customers in this sector. The industrial sector concerned with saving, so with the installation of our air conditioning system, it will help reduce operating costs of air conditioning systems available. 

6.     Business Premises:  Apart from the industrial sector, the business premises were also enliven the activities around the Manjung, the building lots of new business and existing ones, we believe our company is able to provide air conditioning to them. In addition, traders are now concerned with conservation and exaggerate benefits.

From the graph, we can summarize the percentage breakdown of the types of groups targeted 
by the use of air conditioning.

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