Friday 15 April 2011

Target Market Segment Strategy

Target Market Segment Strategy

Market Needs
The service was provided is to fulfill all the demand and needs of customer nowadays. We know that every time a request to use the air conditioner increases along with the society that emphasizes comfort and ability. Therefore, our company provides excellent service to ensure customer confidence coupled with our air conditioning system is different and more efficient in the use of electricity. Along with that, we also carry out research to find out the needs of our customers.

Market Trends
Instantly, the use of air conditioners is also in accordance with the current situation in Malaysia, which has a different weather pattern of hot and rainy. Demand for air conditioning use is often increased in the summer or dry because Malaysian society concerned with the comforts of life. In the meantime, companies and business premises are also using the air conditioner, they hate them to save on electricity costs, and so the air conditioning system that comes out of our water, it will save electricity and the environment. 

Market Growth
Weather conditions in Malaysia and around Manjung in general, are an important factor in the increased use of air conditioners. With this demand, we newly established company requiring labor intensive, so it will open up job opportunities in the public. In addition the service we provide is different from air-conditioning products are readily available in the market today. We hope that, with the introduction of air-conditioning system that is based on the water will cause customers to try the service we provide, and will increase the demand for our services.

Industry Analysis
Industry Participants
In this era, technology has always moved forward with some of the research into the sector this air. Involvement of small factories that make components of the air conditioner is also growing rapidly, adds air-conditioning manufacturing output.  Industry the involved in business in worldwide is the major contributor to the economics. With new technology that we provide, many companies also want to work together to provide our products, all of this is related to the manufacture of air conditioning components. This will simplify the work of our company in providing the best service to customers.

Distribution Patterns
Trend and pattern of distribution our product is depend on several factors such as:
1.      Geographic
2.      Activity
3.      Position
4.      Occupation
From what we can see, these factors play an important role in the demands of our Services. The graph below summarizes the factors that influence the pattern of requests our services in a particular budget.

From the graph, we can interpret, the geographical conditions are the main causes of the demand from customers, because the area around Manjung a hot climate will be added near the sea, and of course Malaysia is the country's tropical climate. Followed by activities around Manjung many shops and industrial factories that require the use of air. Further, 15% are the position, the latter is a factor of employment, many are fortunate because we provide services that are affordable. From this graph, we can see the use of air are used more, we can say that every house to use air.

Competition and Buying Patterns
Manjung area, the current rapid development and increasing housing, is a reassurance to our company to explore this area, but usually has no competition in this field. Use air is a trend at present, so many rivalries of other companies in the provision of these services. While our air conditioning system different, it is a challenge for us to compete with the services of other companies. Consumers are also concerned with factors that contribute to the comfort of living increase in the use of air in homes, business premises and industries. In addition, air is also a requirement in the present day, with air pollution are not controlled, it becomes a factor for consumers choosing to use air conditioning in residential homes respectively.

Main Competitors
The main competitor for our company, York, this company is a major contributor in the use of air conditioners in Malaysia and around the Manjung. In different periods and experienced, it is easy for these companies to control and communicate with customers. The company also has won the trust of customers; this makes the company the strongest competitor to our company at our new addition in this field. Thus, we should always know the progress of the company to ensure that our company can provide the best service. So, we need time to catch and a strong foothold in this field.

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